RVing can be the adventure of a lifetime - as well as a fun and relaxing way of fulfilling your dreams - but it's important to hit the road prepared so you're not hit with unexpected stress or expenses. Hitch up your new or used RV and grab our top RV travel tips so you can make the most out of your road trips for years to come.


You take other vehicles for practice drives to get familiar behind the wheel - your new or used RV should be no different. Don't let your first time on the road be the first time you're pulling the RV. Give yourself plenty of practice drives. Head to a wide stretch of rural road or even a large, empty parking load. See if you can borrow a few parking cones to practice your maneuvering skills. This may seem like a hassle, but trust us: you'll be glad you did later!


Minor roadside breakdowns can happen to anyone. And while there are roadside services you can benefit from, one of our top recommendations is to pack a tool kit that has a variety of tools specific to your RV's needs. Don't just grab the rusty old toolbox from your garage! Our RV parts and accessories store can help you gather an assortment of exactly what you need, from jacks to wrenches. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so treat yourself to being well-prepared.


Many people love their spontaneous weekend getaways in their new or used RV - and you may be one of them! But for your longer trips, you'll want to outline your travel plans, your budget, and book your reservations with both of those factors in mind. Calculate fuel expenses, food costs, travel time on the road, campground expenses, anything you can think of. By planning in advance and giving yourself a margin of extra expenses, you can help alleviate the stress of running out of time and money to do the things you want to see and do.

When you plan smart and stay prepared, your RVing adventures can be the fun and exciting adventures you've dreamed of. Contact us today - we can help those dreams come true!