There's one thing that I love about winter: it's what comes before spring. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year to camp because the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. Pesky bugs are at a minimum, animals are just coming out of hibernation (you also can see lots of baby animals), and campgrounds are less crowded. Yup, when it comes to camping in the spring there is more to look forward to than not.

To help you prepare for spring RVing we put together a list of helpful spring RVing tips.

Check The Exterior

If your RV has been in storage all winter it's important you examine the exterior to make sure it's in tip top shape. Look for damage that might have been caused by ice buildup or moisture, check seals to ensure they still seal (replace them if not), lubricate anything that might need lubricating, and give it a good wash to get rid of grime and dirt that built up over the winter.

Clean The Interior

This shouldn't take too long, since you likely detailed your RV when you put it into storage. Open the windows, let it air out, light a candle (make sure you're present while it is burning), vacuum any dust that has built up throughout the season, and use a heavy duty air freshener to kill any odor causing bacteria.

Stock your RV

Stock your RV with any canned goods and spices that you know you'll use while traveling. Remember to avoid stocking carbonated beverages too soon before your trip as they can explode if it gets too hot in your RV. It's also important to stock your RV with any pillows and blankets you might use and games and movies for entertainment. It's usually a good idea to pack a few extra, particularly during the spring, as temperatures can be pretty cool at night.

RVing is a wonderful way to bond with friends and family. By following these steps you'll be well on your way to enjoying your next RV vacation and prepared for many other trips this camping season.

Photo Credit: By Siddharth Mallya (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons