3 Holiday RV Tips for Spending the Holidays in Your RV

Dec. 20 2022 RV Living By Oklahoma RV Center

There are lots of reasons people spend the holidays in their new or used RV. Sometimes it's to travel to see loved ones for the holidays. It may be that your tradition is to take a vacation instead of spending money on gifts. Or, you might be among those for whom the holidays can be difficult, and a change of scenery is just what your heart needs. Whatever your reason for spending the holidays in your RV, we can help. Check out some of our holiday RV tips below!

Christmas Vacation

If you opt for a holiday vacay over spending money on gifts, look up special holiday traditions in your destination towns!

It's a great way to enjoy the perks of a vacation while incorporating some traditional holiday festivities. There might be something like a Christmas parade, a Christmas choir concert, or even volunteer work at a community soup kitchen you can get involved in.

Difficult Days

If the holidays are difficult for you and make you just want to get away from it all, you're not alone. There's a lot of pressure to make the holidays perfect and wonderful, but that's just not how life is sometimes. Here are some ways you can make these difficult days a little more tolerable:

  • Be kind to yourself: find a spa in your destination town and schedule a massage.

  • Avoid triggers: if certain memories or traditions trigger anxiety or depression, don't put yourself in harm's way. You don't have to participate in things that you know will make things harder.
  • Solar power: consider traveling to a destination in a southern state with plenty of sunshine for a mood and energy boost thanks to the vitamin D.

  • Seek help: make a plan to press into healing in 2023 and consider going to therapy. Picking up the phone to make an initial appointment is difficult, but you are worth the effort.

Traveling to See Family

If you're traveling to spend the holidays with family, think about the meaningful traditions you share with your loved ones. Is there a go-to Christmas movie you always watch on Christmas Eve? Bring it with you, and have everyone pile in around your RV's entertainment center and fireplace for a cozy and fun night. Do you decorate cookies together? Pre-bake your cookies, pack them up in airtight food storage containers, and supply everyone with frosting bags and sprinkles.

Before You Go

Regardless of your reasoning for spending the holidays in your RV, we can help make sure your experience is safe and sound. Giving yourself the gift of peace of mind can be as inexpensive as a quick RV service appointment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!