RV Tips: 3 Outdoors Apps That Are Perfect for Camping

Mar. 23 2022 Uncategorized By Oklahoma RV Center

Don't leave the driveway without these great RV apps to have on your camping trip! Yes, you might be looking to get away from the in-your-face daily demands of technology, but the right apps can make your time in the great outdoors even more fun. Grab these RV tips and apps below!

There's a Fungus Among Us

One family-favorite app we use is iNaturalist. It can help you identify what you're looking at from foliage to fungi, eight-legged critters to no-legged ones.

Snap a picture of what you're looking at, add a few details, and get instant input from the in-app user database. Handy tip: make sure to turn on your device's location for the app, since oftentimes things look different in certain regions. Turning on the location helps ID things more quickly. And remember, when in doubt, don't touch it.

What's That Star?

Another app my kids consult regularly is the StarTracker app. This pocket-sized interactive planetarium is a fantastic tool! Point your phone's camera at any constellation or planet and it identifies what you're looking at instantly.

Move the orientation to see other stars and planets in relation to it. You can download a free version, but springing for the full version is just a few bucks and definitely worth it. It provides constellation overlay graphics for even easier identification. Get it on your phone today!

Knot Your Average App

You and your kids will definitely love the Army Survival app. Use it for tips on tying knots, starting a fire, building shelter, surviving the elements, and much more. This is an app that definitely increases the sense of adventure and gives everyone a chance to flex their new skills.

The right outdoors apps can make camping enjoyable and full of fun, adventure, and even some learning! You'll love engaging with your family and the world around you. Traveling in a new or used RV is also a great way to maximize quality time with your family and the great outdoors, so contact us today if we can help you pick out the perfect unit for your adventures.