Photo via Flickr, Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge

Wouldn't it be amazing if leaving the cold weather behind was a simple as just flying away? Unfortunately for snowbirds, it's not that simple. There's a lot of planning that goes into ditching snow boots and living in a perpetual paradise and being worried if you turned off the iron while thousands of miles away from home is no day at the beach.

If you're planning a trip south for the winter, here are some tips to help you hit the road with some peace of mind:

Don't Forget Important Documents...

...even if you think you won't need them. Passports, homeowners insurance documents, copies of IDs, even a copy of your marriage license. A binder of important documents won't take up a lot of space in your RV and will help you avoid some major headaches on the road. And, possibly, a little heartbreak. Take it from me, you don't want friends to invite you along for a weekend cruise to the Bahamas only to realize you left your passport at home.

Arrange Prescriptions And Medical Care

If you plan on staying in one spot for the season, be sure to establish where the local clinics and hospitals are nearby. Keep emergency contacts and medical records in an easily accessible spot along with a list of prescriptions. For snowbirds traveling from Canada, you can arrange for long term prescriptions to avoid dealing with reimbursements, but be sure your doses are clearly labeled and within the guidelines for customs.

Pest Control

If your house will be empty while you're away, be sure to make a thorough walkthrough before hitting the road. Pests will find even the smallest of entrances to keep warm, and even the crumbs on the top shelf of your cabinets will attract them. Pests will burrow in the most surprising of places, so scatter all natural repellents like fox essence and mint in under the sink and oven. Pest will live, and eventually die, in the warmth of your oven's insulation, and coming home to that mess after three months of sun and sand is not fun.

What are your tips to hitting the road for the winter? Share in the comments or on our Facebook page. Ready to trade in your snow shovel for a beach chair? Visit our Moore, OK location today to check out our newest arrivals!